The Bloody Char LOG of India
India is vast, is beautiful, is charming, is paradise for food lovers, is land of cultures, is land of satellites, is land of IT, is land of Yoga, is mystical. Those who have been to India will agree to the fact that one can enjoy the Himalayas as well as the beautiful beaches. The dialect, culture and food changes every 200–300 kms and each has its own beauty and taste.

Along with all the above India has mysterious Char Log (four people) about whom every child has heard off but no one has scene or met. These Char Log are an integral part of every child’s childhood and may be even adulthood. Although the char log are quintessential part of the Indian culture, from North to South to East to West no one has ever been able to find them. Some of the problems these Char Log create are following:-
1. Parents want their children to stand out but expect them to do what others are doing Because char log kya kahenge
2. Its okay to pee in public but kissing in public no way, Because char log kya kahenge
3. Dont marry out of caste, Because char log kya kahenge
4. Swear all you can in English, one swear in mother tongue you get beaten, Because char log kya kahenge
5. Spend lakhs on daughters wedding than on her education, Because char log kya kahenge
6. Talk about women empowerment and then do a cover story about deepika showing her cleavage, Because char log kya kahenge
7. Sharmaji’s son won man of the match but when you go to play you are stopped, Because char log kya kahenge
8. Sharmaji’s son married out of love and his wife is gem, my son cant do it, Because char log kya kahenge
9. You have to become an engineer and then figure out what you want to do with your life, why an engineer first, Because char log kya kahenge
10. Want son in law’s to help out their daughters but own son helping his wife is bad, Because char log kya kahenge
11. No one wants a grand daughter why Because char log kya kahenge
12. Daughters cant be outside late in the evening, Because char log kya kahenge
13. I wont wear seat belt or a helmet, Because char log kya kahenge, but I will have cover and screen guard on my mobile
14. Sons should not be allowed in to kitchen or do house hold work, Because char log kya kahenge
15. You should never come second, every one should stand First in studies, Because char log kya kahenge
16. Girls should not drive or go out alone, Because char log kya kahenge
17. Boys drink/smoke is fine, girls drink/smoke never, Because char log kya kahenge
18. No my child will never study arts/commerce, Because char log kya kahenge
19. Husband beats his wife, she will never go and complain, Because char log kya kahenge
20. Wife is harassed for dowry, she will never complain, Because char log kya kahenge
21. Some one is depressed but he wont take medical help, Because char log kya kahenge
22. Some one want to take up acting in school, he knows his parents will never support him, Because char log kya kahenge
23. Wife earning more than husband is shameful for family, Because char log kya kahenge
24. One should never ever fail in anything, Because char log kya kahenge