Kubernetes & Docker Swarm — A Comparison

Rishi Raj Singh
FAUN — Developer Community 🐾
9 min readJan 7, 2022


What is Kubernetes?

Using Kubernetes, users can launch, scale, and operate containers across groups of systems. Framework is an open platform. As a result of Google’s significant expertise with Virtual machines over the years, the orchestrator is production ready. Members of the public have worked on Kubernetes to solve containers scaling and standards of the company. Earlier Kubernetes developers drew on their experience with internal operations like Borg and Omega to help shape the project. A new Online Government for Kubernetes initiative, led by Cloud Neutral Computing Alliance in conjunction with Linux Kernel, has emerged. Among the CNCF’s cloud-native initiatives are those in which IBM, Google, Red Hat, Microsoft, and Amazon are active founder members. Kubernetes aims to provide the components and tools to relieve the burden of running applications in public and private clouds by grouping containers into logical units. Their strengths lie in flexible growth, environment agnostic portability, and easy scaling.

It is an online system that automates the distribution, updating, and operation of containers across a number of different host environments. Developed by Google, the output orchestrator leverages on the company’s years of experience dealing with Docker containers. Kubernetes was developed by the team in order to address concerns with pot management and scalability. During the early days of Kubernetes, several members of the community offered their expertise in developing and maintaining internal systems such as Borg and Omega. Because to a cooperation between the Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Kubernetes now has Open Governance, which is a significant step forward. No one is surprised to learn that IBM is one of the CNCF’s founding members and that the company actively participates in the CNCF’s cloud-native projects.

What is Docker Swarm?

It’s an internet solution for managing the installation, upgrade, and operation of microservices across several servers. Google’s outputs orchestrator is built on the firm’s years of experience with Microservices. The team designed Kubernetes to address challenges with container management and scale. Numerous people in the area donated their expertise in developing and managing internal systems such as Borg and Omega during the early days of Kubernetes. According to CNCF, a cooperation here between Free Software foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Elasticsearch now has Open Governance. It’s no secret that IBM is a founder partner of the CNCF and actively participates in the CNCF’s virtualized projects.

Docker Swarm is built on four basic values: simplicity with a “simply working” experience for users, resilience with no data loss, security by default with automatically produced certificate, and data format with current components. Redundancy is critical for existing users. Sdn supports all tools and instances that operate with Docker..

Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm comparison

both instigators offer a great deal of the same capability, they operate in fundamentally different ways. The following are among the most salient elements in the Kubernetes vs. Docker comparison

. Installation and cluster configuration

Swarm Easy and fast to install and configure

Docker is as straightforward to deploy as any other programme accessible via your operating system’s package management system. With Locust, whatever is necessary is to install a node and instruct it to enter the cluster. Along with its simplicity of use, the Swarming allows flexibility by enabling any new node to join an existing cluster as a manager or a worker and smoothly advance or demote nodes here between two functions.

Kubernetes Takes some work to get up and running

Kubernetes needs a number of manual setups to connect its parts, which include etcd, flannel, and the docker engine. Directions vary by operating system and provider. Kubernetes also requires prior knowledge of the change in composition, such as the IP addresses of the nodes, the roles that each node will play, and the overall node.

Container setup

Swarm Functionality is provided and limited by the Docker API

The Swarm API exposes a large portion of Docker’s capabilities but it does not contain all of its operations. It supports a lot of technologies that interact with Docker; but, if the Docker API is missing a certain action, there is no straightforward method to work around it utilizing Swarm.

Kubernetes Client, API and YAML definitions are unique to Kubernetes

Kubernetes has its own client, API, and YAML specifications, that are distinct from the usual Docker counterparts. In other words, one can define containers using either Docker CLI or Docker Compose. When a technology is switched, commands and YAML definitions must be updated.


Swarm Quick container deployment and scaling even in very large clusters

Docker Swarm is quicker than Kubernetes in deploying containers, even now in extremely large groups and at high hub fill levels, enabling rapid response times for an on scaling. With a single update operation, new duplicates may be launched.

Kubernetes Provides strong guarantees to cluster states at the expense of speed

In big clusters and high cluster fill phases, Docker can launch containers quicker than Kubernetes, allowing for quick response times to require scalability. With a single update statement, new clones may be launched.

High availability

High availability is provided through container replication and service redundancy

Both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm use redundancy to make their services highly available. Resilience is provided by deploying the same containers to many nodes, which is then reassigned if one of the hosts hosting the service fails, allowing the services to self-heal. For full failover, you’ll need more than one of the docker main perpetrators running on the same server.

Load balancing

Swarm Automated internal load balancing through any node in the cluster

Built-in task scheduling is provided by Docker Swarm. The networking that connects all the container in a cluster permits access from any node. Requests for connections from any node in the Swarm are routed to a copy of the service that is executing on another node in the Swarm.

Kubernetes Enabling load balancing requires manual service configuration

When container pods are configured as applications, Elasticsearch allows a lot of the load management notion. A specific set of capsules and rules makes each service accessible, allowing load — balancing pods to be set up to reach the service without having to care about IP addresses.

Container updates and rollbacks

Swarm Process scheduling to maintain services while updating

You may instruct the scheduling to utilise a fresh image so rather than updating Container Swarm containers. If anything goes wrong, the update may be reversed in phases rather than all at once, avoiding service outages.

Kubernetes Progressive updates and service health monitoring through the update

Kubernetes manages the upgrade, applying changes to a single pod at a time and avoiding a service interruption while continuously evaluating service health.

Data volumes

Swarm Simple shared local volumes

Volumes used by Docker are common volumes across several containers. Volumes may be generated independently of vessels or in conjunction with them, and they can be used by several vessels at the same time. In addition, data volumes survive the deletion of containers that used them. Volumes, on the other hand, are only accessible on the node where they were generated. The Operating system provides volume plugins for enabling new files.

Kubernetes Volumes shared within pods

Containers may exchange data inside a pod thanks to Kubernetes containers, an abstraction. Volumes are generated and destroyed including the pod they are contained in, and they have a specific lifespan. Volumes are treated the same way like any other folder by the containers in much the same pod when it comes to fundamental functionality. Other storage capacity management are also supported by Kubernetes for transferring data across clusters.


Swarm Automatically configured TLS authentication and container networking

With Docker Swarm, applications executing on any of the cluster nodes are connected through a cross ingress network bridge. Manually configuring more inter-container networks is possible. TLS identification with certificates also effectively secures interconnection.

Kubernetes TLS authentication requires manual configuration for security

When it comes to container connectivity, Kubernetes often makes use of flannel. etcd announces the presence of vessels in a vpn connection. TLS verification is also an option, but it requires the generation and installation of certificates by hand across all nodes to function.

Service Discovery

Swarm Services are discoverable throughout the cluster network

Early introduction is made a lot easier with Docker Swarm unit connectivity. At deployment, all vessels connect to the cluster’s input network top. Regardless of actual hosts, liners may interact via virtual private IP addresses and service names.

Kubernetes Containers can be defined as services that are easily discoverable

For finding, Kubernetes uses etcd and dynamically configured services. To keep track of all containers, a goals from all three dimensions store may be implemented. It’s also possible to use a DNS server clustering addon to facilitate communication.

Application definition

Swarm of Docker Containers In Docker Container, the programs may be deployed in a swarm cluster as microservices or services. It is possible to identify several containers using YAML(YAML Is Not Markup Language) files. Docker compose also has the ability to install applications.

Apps deployed on Kubernetes use a mix of apis, pod delivery, and Kubernetes services (such as kubectl).


Multiple native logging and monitoring options are provided by Kubernetes for clustered services. Using these tools, you may keep tabs on how well your applications are doing by:

seeing a large group of people

Third-party integration for incident surveillance is supported by Kubernetes as well.

• Elasticsearch


• Influx DB



Docker Swarm, in contrast to Kubernetes, does not really have a monitoring system by default. As a consequence, Docker Swarm monitoring must be supported by fourth apps. Because of the large number of cross-node objects and services in a Docker Swarm, monitoring is often more difficult than with a K8s cluster.

These open-source Docker Swarm vulnerability scanning work together to make the system more scalable:

• Influx DB



Graphical user interface (GUI)

You may use the Kubernetes Dashboards to: • Deploy generally considered acceptable apps on a cluster involved In managing cluster resources • View an error log and information on the status of cluster resources (including Deployments, Jobs, and DaemonSets) for effective troubleshooting.

Docker Swarm, in contrast to Postgresql, lacks an out-of-the-box Web UI for deploying apps and orchestrating vessels. However, as Docker Swarm has grown in popularity, a number of third-party applications have emerged that provide basic to feature-rich GUIs. The following are notable UI tools for the Docker Swarm:


· Dockstation

· Swarmpit

· Shipyard


There are significant differences between Kubernetes and Docker Swarm throughout the comparison. In contrast to Kubernetes, Swarm focuses on modularity and openness, whereas Kubernetes emphasises simplicity of use with Docker integration. Running and setting each orchestrator yields similar results.

Docker Swarm


  • It’s designed to work with the Docker Container which has its own Swarm API. It works seamlessly with Docker tools like Docker Compose and Docker CLI (which has the same command-line interface as Docker Engine).
  • In addition to working well with Docker containers, tools, services, and software developed for them will also operate well with Swarm
  • You may choose the best cluster nodes for container deployment with the help of the filtering and scheduling mechanism.


Adjustments and extensions are restricted. No simple method to split Dev-Test-Prod workloads in the DevOps process when using this instead of Kubernetes



• Active open-source community involved in the development of the code It has been battle-tested by major companies like Google and our own IBM workloads and operates on the majority of operating platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

• Highest market adoption rate Offers managed and non-managed options for public clouds and on-premises from all the major cloud service providers (IBM Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform) (among many others)

Other key features include: discovering of the services and balancing of the incoming traffic; self-healing; storage orchestration; scaling horizontally; automated deployment/revisioning; and batch execution

APIs that are all the same and strong assurances about the status of the cluster


In order to manage the Kubernetes master, you’ll need specialist expertise. Updates from the open-source community are frequent and need careful patching so as not to interrupt work loads

In order to handle access, identity, governance, and security completely, additional tools (e.g. kubectl CLI), services, CI/CD processes, and other DevOps approaches are often required

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